LATEST was organized in four specific objectives
LATEST aims at creating multidisciplinary academic programmes to develop and use technologies in support of the European agricultural sector (engineering companies, farmers, public technical structures) towards sustainable agricultural transitions.
To analyse of existing EU training offer on AgTech as mitigation strategies to local climate change situations and related initiatives;
To ensure coherence between Supply (academic programmes) and Demand from AgTech/agriculture stakeholders (students, labour market, institutions, NGOs);
To Integrate relevant AgTech and innovative pedagogical tools in a new curriculum;
To Ensuring learner-centred teaching and didactic methods containing “micro-credits”.
Discover LATEST outcomes in the Results and Production section
How to achieve project?
Implementation plan
To achieve these objectives, LATEST was built on five complementary Work Packages – WP (including 10 project results – PR), organised in three main phases:
Phase 1:
Benchmark of existing training and related initiatives (WP1) and prospective analysis of labour market and stakeholder demand (WP2).
Phase 2:
Validation of proposed content, tools and teaching methods leading to curriculum development (WP3-PR6)
Phase 3:
Conceptualisation of a blended learning programme on agricultural transition (WP3-PR7) Most of the activities in WP4, and WP5 will be carried out in a cross-cutting way and throughout the project. Communication activities related to the end of the project will be concentrated in WP3.
LATEST WP4 and WP5 were carried out in a cross-cutting way and throughout the project. Communication activities related to the end of the project were concentrated in the Phase 3.
The succession and completion of each phase were key factor of success for the successful achievement of the project